January Cowboy Match Results

Nineteen hearty cowboys (and girls) braved the sub-zero weather to attend the January Peacemakers indoor shoot.  The range heater did its job, but the concrete floor sure was cold.

After 5 stages, the top five finishers are:  Comstock Charley, Dangerous Dan McGrew, Flaming Star, Chenoa Tim, and Marshall RD.  Exactly one second separated first place from third place.  The five clean shooters are: Chenoa Tim, Marshall RD, Katie Twoshots, Okie Pete and Tomahawk Johnson.   Scoresheets are linked below.  The 50/50 raffle was won by Comstock Charley (I had a good day).

Please remember that the members’ meeting and eating is scheduled on March 23 at Pizza Ranch in Bloomington.  Anyone interested in becoming a club officer should contact me, Mackinaw Jack or Tomahawk Johnson.

Comstock Charley

aka:  Jim Nelden
